One-on-One and Group
Movement Coaching

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Get Back to the Activities You Love

Are you struggling with pain and discomfort on a daily basis?

I have been there...and now I help active adults with alignment, posture, and movement-related problems. I can help you improve movement and physical performance through individualized one-on-one and group virtual coaching. 


Dr. Greg Chaplin, PT, DPT, CSCS

This past week I have improved my GI symptoms and my energy is the highest it has been in 5-6 years... a handful of my food intolerances have disappeared overnight.
— Billy


If not for this man I would still be struggling to get through daily life. Instead, I am on my hands and knees giving pony rides to my grandchildren, taking dance classes again that I never thought I could, and most of all waking up free from pain and limitations. It brings tears to my eyes to share just how much he has done for me in such a short time.
— Lilliana
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Emphasis on Asymmetry

By understanding and taking into account underlying asymmetries of the human body, we design programs that balance asymmetry to restore alignment, posture and quality of movement.

Objective Testing

By using objective testing, we assess and monitor changes to your movement, enabling us to deliver adaptable and targeted programming.

Experiential Learning

By utilizing visual aides such as anatomical models, instructional videos, and virtual coaching, we empower clients to feel and understand their bodies in new ways, giving them a roadmap to their movement-related goals.

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Movement Coaching Features

Customized Programming

Track customized workouts easily, directly from your smartphone.

Access to Your Coach

You will never have to worry if you are doing your program correctly.

Book an Appointment


Movement Assessment
(90 Minutes) are available via Zoom to assess movement capabilities and to develop strategies to help meet your movement-related goals.

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